
ভুটান : সুখিতম দেশ । Bhutan : The Happiest Country

ভুটান  :  সুখিতম দেশ  ।  Bhutan  :  The Happiest Country চীন ও ভারতের মতো দুটি দেশের মাঝে অবস্থান ভুটানের. তারপরও বিশ্বের একমাত্র কার্বন Negative দেশ এটি অর্থাৎ বায়ুমণ্ডলে CO2 যোগ করার পরিবর্তে বরং কমাচ্ছে দেশটি যার মূল কারণ দেশটিতে প্রায় 72% বনভূমি রয়েছে . 2015 সালে ঘণ্টায় 49,672 টি গাছ লাগানো হয়েছিল, যা গিনেজ বিশ্ব রেকর্ড. চাহিদা মিটিয়ে জলবিদ্যুৎ এর প্রায় 70% ভারতে বিক্রি করে তারা. ভুটানের আরেকটি লক্ষ্য হচ্ছে  2020 সালের মধ্যে বিশ্বের প্রথম Organic দেশে পরিণত হওয়া. আগামী প্রজন্মকেও পরিবেশ বান্ধব করে গড়ে তুলতে বিশেষ নজর তাদের, তাই এদের School- er শিক্ষায় একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ পরিবেশবিদ্যা. তর্ক সাপেক্ষে ভুটান বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে সুখী দেশ. For more details please Contact Us .......   Aditi Tour & Travels....... 9432535853 .

A Temple inside the Batu Caves

A Temple inside the Batu Caves  in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia কুয়ালালামপুরের সবচেয়ে ঘন পর্যটক আকর্ষণের একটি Batu গুহা, এটি চুনাপাথর পাহাড় যার তিনটি প্রধান গুহা এবং ছোট একটি শাখা রয়েছে। কুয়ালালামপুরে উত্তরে 11 কিলোমিটার অবস্থান করে, এই 100 বছরের প্রাচীন মন্দিরের মূর্তিগুলি প্রধান গুহায় এবং এর চারপাশে নির্মিত। অভ্যন্তরীণ চুনাপাথরের সাথে জড়িত প্রায় 400 মিলিয়ন বছর বয়সী বলে মন্দিরকে হিন্দুদের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ধর্মীয় স্থান বলে মনে করা হয়। For more details please  Contact Us .......  Aditi Tour &  Travels....... 9432535853 .

Kolkata's Famous Street Food --- Raj Kachori | রাজ কচুরি

Kolkata's Famous Street Food  --- Raj Kachori | রাজ  কচুরি The classic street food treat that makes your mouth-watering. Raj kachori basket is filled with papri,  bhallas, yogurt, chickpeas and much more, and it is garnished with some pomegranate seeds. How to Make Raj Kachori 1. Fill the raj kachori basket with papri, dahi bhalla, boiled chick peas, sprouts, pomegranates, bhujia  and ginger. 2. Sprinkle seasoning. 3. Pour tamarind chutney, coriander chutney and yogurt over it. 4. Garnish with pomegranates and serve. For more details please  Contact Us .......  Aditi Tour &  Travels....... 9432535853 .

Tips for Traveling with Baby

Tips for Traveling with Baby Have a fun and stress-free vacation and  international travel with newborn  with baby by navigating on-the-go naps, time differences and cramped hotel rooms. Does "vacationing" with your baby sound like an oxymoron?  T raveling with baby checklist  As someone who has ventured on road trips, beach getaways, cruises and more with my two kids, and who is writing a book about family travel—The  Travel Mamas' Guide ,  flying with a baby rules,  flying with an infant on lap tips —I know that vacations now are not as easy as they were prebaby. And while there are tons of tips on how to get there, there's not much advice for how to manage once you arrive. A few simple tricks have saved some of my family's trips. Strategic Unpacking Just as important as what you pack—and you can check out get-ready checklists here—in my opinion, is how you unpack. Do it immediately As soon as you arrive, set up your room to make it a...

Aditi Tour and Travels

Our Services Inbound and International Tours and Travel  We, a leading International travel agency arrange all inbound tours/ outbound tours for individual and group travelers with tailor made itineraies. Honeymoon Package We make tailor made travel package/itineraries for honeymooners as per their individual requirement for both international travel and domestic destination. The perfect destination for honeymoon are India, we choose Manali, Simla, Goa, Kodaikonal, Portblair, Kerala, Dargling, Ooty etc. Holiday Packages/ Hotel Bookings We do hotel booking as well as the packages in all major tourist destination in India and abroad. We have separate department for handling hotel booking and tours. Airline Ticketing We do all International and Domstic tickting, having ticket stock of all International and Domestic airlines like KLM, Singapore Airlines, British Airways, Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, Air Sahara etc. We give instant confirmation of seats thr...

Why Taking a Break from Social Media Can Be Good

Why Taking a Break from Social Media Can Be Good Think about how much time you spend looking at social media. For most of us, the first thing we do when we wake up in the morning is to check that no one has tagged us in an embarrassing photo from the night before and then proceed to “like” all the latest  taking a break from social media memes  and videos on Facebook as  take a social media break . After that, it’s a quick look at Instagram to figure out who exactly it was that started to follow you and whether or not you want to follow them back. This whole routine can last between 15 minutes to a half hour, and already, we're pushing back plans for the day  taking a break from social media quotes . Wouldn’t it be great to live the day just for ourselves and not for others to judge?  S ocial media detox meaning,  Here’s why taking a break from social media can be good and why it’s least every once in a while. DISCONNECT FROM...

What Would You Do If You Had One Week to Live

What Would You Do If You Had One Week to Live Some time ago my husband and I watched a movie in which one of the main characters was told that she had one week to live. The initial part of the movie involved her attempt to disprove the message and the messenger who prophesied that she would meet an untimely demise. She was unsuccessful in her quest to prove that his other predictions were wrong, and therefore that the one for her was also incorrect. Ultimately, the character began a quest to assess her life, to slow her busy pace, and to experience life beyond her work. As predicted, she gained new insights and understandings, accepted the call for true love, and allowed herself the luxury of asking the question, “Was it all worth it?” She had made many sacrifices in her quest to prove herself and to gain notoriety and success as a major television reporter.  She then received a near fatal gunshot wound, survived, and emerged as a new person with a new perspective on life...